Wrongful Death
When a loved one passes away, it is heartbreaking, no matter the circumstances. That heartbreak only gets worse, however, when it was a wrongful death situation. Hiring an attorney to get compensation is the last thing on most people’s minds, but hiring a wrongful death attorney in California is important, both for your wellbeing and for potential punitive damages.
What can a wrongful death attorney do for me?
Not every wrongful death case is going to be the most complicated thing in the world. For instance, the accused may well be fully willing to pay out exactly what you are demanding. Unfortunately, that is not nearly the most common scenario. As such, you should always consider a wrongful death attorney to represent your interests. Someone receiving a letter from an attorney informing them of a lawsuit is going to be a lot more intimidated than if you are representing yourself.
Attorneys know just the questions to ask in settlement negotiations, as well as how hard they should push. One factor that may come up, for instance, is shared liability. Depending on how liable the victim was in their death, the accused may be expected to pay less of the overall costs, and thus may be less inclined to agree to your conditions.
Most wrongful death cases end with settlements, but in the unlikely event that it goes to trial, your attorney will increase your likelihood of success significantly. While it is not impossible to win without one, it’s not worth the risk of getting nothing. Your attorney will also be responsible for dealing with the accused, which can be difficult for you to deal with on your own.
Consult attorney Mark D. Evans to get compensation for a wrongful death today
If you are ready to get the ball rolling with a wrongful death lawsuit, be sure to consult attorney Mark D. Evans. He will help you get the compensation you deserve for such a devastating loss.